NUWIQ Free Trial for Patients with Hemophilia A

Factor My Way® Free Trial Program

The Factor My Way Free Trial Program is a unique opportunity for Hemophilia A patients and their providers to experience the safety, efficacy and convenience of NUWIQ at no cost.

If your patients are currently using another FVIII product, or not yet treating their hemophilia A with a factor therapy, you may want to consider NUWIQ.

With the Factor My Way Free Trial Program, eligible Hemophilia A patients can receive treatment with NUWIQ (not to exceed 6 doses or not exceed approximately 20,000 IUs) at no cost, shipped directly to them and administered under your care and supervision.

3 Easy Steps to Enroll

  1. Download and complete the Factor My Way Free Trial Program application form with your patient.

  2. Write and hand your patient a prescription for NUWIQ

  3. You or your patient fax the completed form and NUWIQ prescription to the Factor My Way Support Center at 1-800-554-6744.

    Please encourage your patients to enroll in the Factor My Way patient support program so they can enjoy all the member-only benefits and to support their health journey.

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A Factor My Way Support Center representative is prepared to answer your questions about NUWIQ. Contact the Factor My Way Support Center at 1-855-498-4260.